Taylor & Francis Group

Basic psychological needs satisfaction as a mediator between clinical learning climate, self-regulated learning and perceived learning in the nursing education context

posted on 2023-06-20, 21:20 authored by Malou Stoffels, Andries S. Koster, Stephanie M. E. van der Burgt, Anique B. H. de Bruin, Hester E. M. Daelmans, Saskia M. Peerdeman, Rashmi A. Kusurkar

Self-regulated learning (SRL) can enhance students’ learning process. Students need support to effectively regulate their learning. However, the effect of learning climate on SRL behavior, its ultimate effect on learning and the underlying mechanisms have not yet been established. We explored these relationships using self-determination theory.

Nursing students (N = 244) filled in questionnaires about SRL behavior, perceived learning, perceived pedagogical atmosphere and Basic Psychological Needs (BPN) satisfaction after their clinical placement. Structural equation modelling was used to test a model in which perceived pedagogical atmosphere affects SRL behavior and subsequent perceived learning through BPN satisfaction.

The tested model had an adequate fit (RMSEA = 0.080, SRMR = 0.051; CFI = 0.972; TLI = 0.950). A positively perceived pedagogical atmosphere contributed to SRL behavior, which was fully explained by BPN satisfaction. SRL partially mediated the contribution of pedagogical atmosphere/BPN to perceived learning.

A learning climate that satisfies students’ BPN contributes to their SRL behavior. SRL behavior plays a positive but modest role in the relationship between climate and perceived learning. Without a culture that is supportive of learning, implementation of tools to apply SRL behavior may not be effective. Study limitations include reliance on self-report scales and the inclusion of a single discipline.


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