Taylor & Francis Group

Glacial geomorphology of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, Central Asia

Version 8 2019-04-02, 08:12
Version 7 2016-03-10, 15:51
Version 6 2015-11-25, 19:29
Version 5 2015-11-25, 19:29
Version 4 2015-11-13, 12:55
Version 3 2015-11-12, 07:44
Version 2 2015-01-15, 09:44
Version 1 2015-11-25, 19:29
posted on 2016-01-01, 15:50 authored by Robin Blomdin, Jakob Heyman, Arjen P. Stroeven, Clas Hättestrand, Jonathan M. Harbor, Natacha Gribenski, Krister N. Jansson, Dmitry A. Petrakov, Mikhail N. Ivanov, Orkhonselenge Alexander, Alexei N. Rudoy, Michael Walther

In this article, we present a map of the glacial geomorphology of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, covering an area of almost 600,000 km2. Although numerous studies provide evidence for restricted Pleistocene glaciations in this area, others have hypothesized the past existence of an extensive ice sheet. To provide a framework for accurate glacial reconstructions of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, we present a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 based on a mapping from 30 m resolution ASTER DEM and 15 m/30 m resolution Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery. Four landform classes have been mapped: marginal moraines, glacial lineations, hummocky terrain, and glacial valleys. Our mapping reveals an abundance of glacial erosional and depositional landforms. The distribution of these glacial landforms indicates that the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains have experienced predominantly alpine-style glaciations, with some small ice caps centred on the higher mountain peaks. Large marginal moraine complexes mark glacial advances in intermontane basins. By tracing the outer limits of present-day glaciers, glacial valleys, and moraines, we estimate that the past glacier coverage have totalled to 65,000 km2 (10.9% of the mapped area), whereas present-day glacier coverage totals only 1300 km2 (0.2% of the mapped area). This demonstrates the usefulness of remote sensing techniques for mapping the glacial geomorphology in remote mountain areas and for quantifying the past glacier dimensions. The glacial geomorphological map presented here will be used for further detailed reconstructions of the paleoglaciology and paleoclimate of the region.


This work was supported by a Swedish Research Council grant (No. 2011-4892) to Arjen P Stroeven. Additional funding for fieldwork in 2013 and 2014 was supported by stipends from The Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG), Carl Mannerfelts Fund, Margit Alhtin Scholarship Fund, and Geerard De Geers Fund to Robin Blomdin and Natacha Gribenski.
