Taylor & Francis Group
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Iterative Multiple Imputation: A Framework to Determine the Number of Imputed Datasets

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Version 2 2019-05-13, 14:39
Version 1 2018-12-10, 19:11
posted on 2019-05-13, 14:39 authored by Vahid Nassiri, Geert Molenberghs, Geert Verbeke, João Barbosa-Breda

We consider multiple imputation as a procedure iterating over a set of imputed datasets. Based on an appropriate stopping rule the number of imputed datasets is determined. Simulations and real-data analyses indicate that the sufficient number of imputed datasets may in some cases be substantially larger than the very small numbers that are usually recommended. For an easier use in various applications, the proposed method is implemented in the R package imi.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the IAP research network # P7/06 of the Belgian Government (Belgian Science Policy). The research leading to these results has also received funding from the European Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2007–2013 under grant agreement no. 602552. We gratefully acknowledge support from the IWT-SBO ExaScience grant.
