Taylor & Francis Group
4 files

Landslide manual and automated inventories, and susceptibility mapping using LIDAR in the forested mountains of Guerrero, Mexico

posted on 2017-03-09, 16:52 authored by Krzysztof Gaidzik, María Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Michael Bunn, Ben A. Leshchinsky, Michael Olsen, Netra R. Regmi

Landslides are a pervasive natural disaster, resulting in severe social, environmental and economic impacts worldwide. The tropical, mountainous landscape in South-West Mexico is predisposed to landslides because of frequent hurricanes and earthquakes. The main goal of this study is to compare landslide susceptibility maps in Guerrero derived using high-resolution LIDAR (light detection and ranging) data from both a manual landslide event inventory and an automated landslide inventorying algorithm. The paper also highlights the importance of applying LIDAR data in landslide inventorying and susceptibility mapping.

We mapped landslides based on two approaches: (1) manual mapping using satellite images and (2) automatic identification of landslide morphology employing the Contour Connection Method (CCM). We produced a landslide susceptibility map by computing the probability of landslide occurrence from statistical relationships of inventoried landslides detected with LIDAR digital terrain models (DTMs) and derived landslide-causing factors using the logistic regression method.

Our results suggest that the automated inventory derived through the CCM algorithm with LIDAR DTMs effectively minimizes the time-consuming and subjective manual inventorying process. The high overall prediction accuracy (up to 0.83) from logistic regression demonstrates the validity and applicability deriving reliable landslide susceptibility maps from an automated inventory; however, LIDAR data are required.


CONACyT-INEGI [grant number 209243].
