Taylor & Francis Group
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Magneto-biostratigraphic constraints of the Eocene micrite–calciturbidite transition in New Caledonia: tectonic implications

posted on 2018-03-16, 01:08 authored by Edoardo Dallanave, Claudia Agnini, Kristina M. Pascher, Pierre Maurizot, Valerian Bachtadse, Christopher J. Hollis, Gerald R. Dickens, Julien Collot, Edoardo Monesi

We conducted an integrated magneto-biostratigraphic study of a 37 m-thick composite section exposed at two sites near Nouméa (New Caledonia). The section contains a transition from pelagic micrite to terrigenous-rich calciturbidites. This transition, observed regionally in coeval records of New Caledonia, marks a shift from pelagic sedimentation on a stable continental submarine plateau to turbidite deposition indicating development of a slope in a convergent tectonic regime. The studied section spans magnetic polarity Chrons C22r to C20r, calcareous nannofossil zones CNE5 to CNE10, and radiolarian zones RP9 to RP11 (49.5 to c. 44 Ma), and the micrite–turbidite transition occurred around 45.3 Ma (early middle Eocene). This transition could be the onshore correlative of a regional switch from tectonic extension to compression, which has been inferred from analysis of new seismic profiles acquired for the Tasman–northern Zealandia area, and that has been interpreted as precursor of the Tonga–Kermadec subduction initiation.


This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: [Grant Number BA1210/19-2,DA1757/1-1]; GNS Science Strategic Science Fund: [Contract Number CO5X1702]; New Zealand Marsden Fund: [Contract Number GNS1201]; DIMENC - Direction de l'industrie, des Mines et de l'Energie [Contract Number Q947]; Università degli Studi di Padova: [Grant Number BIRD161002].
