Taylor & Francis Group

Phase stability of V- based multi-principal element alloys

posted on 2022-05-19, 12:20 authored by Paul J. Barron, Alexander W. Carruthers, Huw Dawson, Maxwell T. P. Rigby, Sarah Haigh, Nick G. Jones, Ed J. Pickering

The success of fusion power requires alloys with good mechanical properties and the ability to withstand extreme thermal and irradiation conditions without prohibitive levels of activation or structural degradation. Body-centred cubic multi-principal component alloys, V–Cr–Mn and Ti–V–Cr–Mn have shown promising high-temperature stability at 1200C. For the alloys to be suitable for use in nuclear fusion reactors, they must be stable across a wide range of temperatures relevant to fusion applications. Here, we assess alloy microstructural stability in these systems following long-term heat treatments at various temperatures. Encouragingly, most of the alloys showed no significant change in microstructure across all temperatures. This contrasts with many other multi-principal component alloys, which develop complex microstructures after exposure to intermediate temperatures.


The authors acknowledge funding from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Energy [grant number EP/L01663X/1] as well as EPSRC grant EP/R021546/1. This work has been part-funded by the RCUK Energy Programme [grant number EP/T012250/1]. We also wish to acknowledge the support of the Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials for access to the FEI Talos electron microscope at Royce@Manchester, funded through EPSRC grants EP/R00661X/1, EP/S019367/1, EP/P025021/1 and EP/P025498/1. E. Pickering wishes to acknowledge the same funds for supporting his Research Lead role within Royce.
