Taylor & Francis Group

Physician-reported treatment patterns and outcomes in metastatic bladder cancer in the US - supplementary tables

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posted on 2023-06-26, 08:53 authored by Ana Paula A Bueno, Otavio Clark, Matthew Turnure, Eloisa S Moreira, Jane Chang, Ningqi Hou, Si Li, Ruth Kim, Mairead Kearney, Melissa Kirker, Gena Kanas

  Supplemental table 1. Reported staging distribution of patients with bladder cancer treated by responding physicians, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 2. Reported staging distribution of patients with bladder cancer treated by responding physicians by physician specialty, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 3. Reported staging distribution of patients with bladder cancer treated by responding physicians by physician setting, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 4. Physician-reported initial first-line therapy modalities for patients with metastatic stage IV bladder cancer, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 5. Physician-reported initial first-line therapy modalities for patients with metastatic stage IV bladder cancer by physician specialty and setting, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 6. Physician-reported initial first-line therapy modalities for patients with metastatic stage IV bladder cancer by physician specialty, US, 2020.

 Supplemental table 7. Physician-reported initial first-line therapy modalities for patients with metastatic stage IV bladder cancer by physician setting, US, 2020. 


Supplemental table 8. Physician-reported distribution of patients with metastatic bladder cancer who received second- and subsequent lines of systemic therapy by physician specialty, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 9. Physician-reported distribution of patients with metastatic bladder cancer who received second- and subsequent lines of systemic therapy by physician setting, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 10. Physician-reported treatment preferences for systemic therapy regimens for second-line treatment of patients with metastatic bladder cancer, US, 2020.


Supplementary table 11. Physician-reported treatment preferences for systemic therapy regimens for second-line treatment of patients with metastatic bladder cancer by physician specialty and setting, US, 2020.

 Supplemental table 12. Physician-reported time frame of second-line initiation by cisplatin eligibility among patients with metastatic bladder cancer, US, 2020. 


Supplemental table 13. Physician-reported time frame of second-line initiation by cisplatin eligibility among patients with metastatic bladder cancer by physician specialty, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 14. Physician-reported time frame of second-line initiation by cisplatin eligibility among patients with metastatic bladder cancer by physician setting, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 15. Physician-reported distribution of treatment outcomes by line of therapy among patients with metastatic bladder cancer by physician specialty, US, 2020.


Supplemental table 16. Physician-reported distribution of treatment outcomes by line of therapy among patients with metastatic bladder cancer by physician setting, US, 2020.


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