Taylor & Francis Group
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Quadratic Majorization for Nonconvex Loss with Applications to the Boosting Algorithm

posted on 2018-01-09, 19:53 authored by Zhu Wang

Classical robust statistical methods dealing with noisy data are often based on modifications of convex loss functions. In recent years, nonconvex loss-based robust methods have been increasingly popular. A nonconvex loss can provide robust estimation for data contaminated with outliers. The significant challenge is that a nonconvex loss can be numerically difficult to optimize. This article proposes quadratic majorization algorithm for nonconvex (QManc) loss. The QManc can decompose a nonconvex loss into a sequence of simpler optimization problems. Subsequently, the QManc is applied to a powerful machine learning algorithm: quadratic majorization boosting algorithm (QMBA). We develop QMBA for robust classification (binary and multi-category) and regression. In high-dimensional cancer genetics data and simulations, the QMBA is comparable with convex loss-based boosting algorithms for clean data, and outperforms the latter for data contaminated with outliers. The QMBA is also superior to boosting when directly implemented to optimize nonconvex loss functions. Supplementary material for this article is available online.
