Taylor & Francis Group
8 files

Sliced Rotated Sphere Packing Designs

Version 2 2018-06-18, 21:22
Version 1 2018-04-19, 17:37
posted on 2018-06-18, 21:22 authored by Xu He

Space-filling designs are popular choices for computer experiments. A sliced design is a design that can be partitioned into several subdesigns. We propose a new type of sliced space-filling design called sliced rotated sphere packing designs. Their full designs and subdesigns are rotated sphere packing designs. They are constructed by rescaling, rotating, translating, and extracting the points from a sliced lattice. We provide two fast algorithms to generate such designs. Furthermore, we propose a strategy to use sliced rotated sphere packing designs adaptively. Under this strategy, initial runs are uniformly distributed in the design space, follow-up runs are added by incorporating information gained from initial runs, and the combined design is space-filling for any local region. Examples are given to illustrate its potential application.


National Natural Science Foundation of China(10.13039/501100001809, 11501550, 11671386), Special National Key Research and Development Plan(2016YFD0400206), Funding from Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology(2016YFF0203801)
