Taylor & Francis Group

Target coverage and local recurrences after radiotherapy for sinonasal cancer in Denmark 2008–2015. A DAHANCA study

posted on 2022-01-04, 07:00 authored by Maja B. Sharma, Kenneth Jensen, Jeppe Friborg, Bob Smulders, Elo Andersen, Eva Samsøe, Jørgen Johansen, Christian R. Hansen, Maria Andersen, Martin S. Nielsen, Mads V. Filtenborg, Jintao Ren, Stine S. Korreman, Jens Overgaard, Cai Grau

The study aimed to investigate the pattern of failure and describe compromises in the definition and coverage of the target for patients treated with curatively intended radiotherapy (RT) for sinonasal cancer (SNC).

Patients treated with curatively intended RT in 2008–2015 in Denmark for SNC were eligible for the retrospective cohort study. Information regarding diagnosis and treatment was retrieved from the national database of the Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group (DAHANCA). Imaging from the diagnosis of recurrences was collected, and the point of origin (PO) of the recurrent tumour was estimated. All treatment plans were collected and reviewed with the focus on target coverage, manual modifications of target volumes, and dose to organs at risk (OARs) above defined constraints.

A total of 184 patients were included in the analysis, and 76 (41%) relapsed. The majority of recurrences involved T-site (76%). Recurrence imaging of 39 patients was evaluated, and PO was established. Twenty-nine POs (74%) were located within the CTV, and the minimum dose to the PO was median 64.1 Gy (3.1–70.7). The criteria for target coverage (V95%) was not met in 89/184 (48%) of the CTV and 131/184 (71%) of the PTV. A total of 24% of CTVs had been manually modified to spare OARs of high-dose irradiation. No difference in target volume modifications was observed between patients who suffered recurrence and patients with lasting remission.

The majority of relapses after radical treatment of SNC were located in the T-site (the primary tumour site). Multiple compromises with regards to target coverage and tolerance levels for OARs in the sinonasal region, as defined from RT guidelines, were taken. No common practice in this respect could be derived from the study.


This study was funded by The Danish Cancer Society [grant R167-A10968], Aarhus University, the Danish Cancer Research Foundation and the Health Research Fund of Central Denmark Region.
