Taylor & Francis Group
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The geology of the Navua Valles region of Mars

posted on 2018-08-20, 04:43 authored by H. I. Hargitai, V. C. Gulick, N. H. Glines

The Navua Valles are a system of channels and valleys on the inner rim of Hellas Basin. The aim of this mapping study was to determine the geologic history of the Navua Valles region; and the relationships between the basement, flow, and channel units along the northeastern slope of Hellas Basin. We have produced a 1:1 million scale geologic map of the Navua Valles region, utilizing standard USGS geologic mapping procedures, but not within a regular USGS mapping project. We selected the mapping area boundaries specifically to cover the Navua Valles drainage systems. The primary base of this mapping effort was a mosaic of 161 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Context Camera images, at approximately 6 m/pixel. This paper is part of a double publication, one paper describing the geology of this area, and this paper presenting the geologic map produced during the investigation.


This research was supported by a senior postdoctoral research fellowship awarded to H. I. H. by the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) at Ames Research Center, administered initially by Oak Ridge Associated Universities and later by Universities Space Research Association through a contract with NASA. V. C. G. is supported by MRO HiRISE Co-I funds and by funds from the NASA Astrobiology Institute (grant No. NNX15BB01A). N. H. G. is also supported by funds from the NASA Astrobiology Institute (grant No. NNX15BB01A).
