Taylor & Francis Group
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Web based scoring is useful for validation and harmonisation of scoring criteria within RENEB

posted on 2016-08-22, 18:09 authored by Horst Romm, Elizabeth A. Ainsbury, Joan Francesc Barquinero, Leonardo Barrios, Christina Beinke, Alexandra Cucu, Mercedes Moreno Domene, Silvia Filippi, Octávia Monteiro Gil, Eric Gregoire, Valeria Hadjidekova, Vasia Hatzi, Carita Lindholm, Radhia M´ kacher, Alegria Montoro, Jayne Moquet, Mihaela Noditi, Ursula Oestreicher, Fabrizio Palitti, Gabriel Pantelias, María Jesús Prieto, Irina Popescu, Kai Rothkamm, Natividad Sebastià, Sylwester Sommer, Georgia Terzoudi, Antonella Testa, Andrzej Wojcik

Purpose: To establish a training data set of digital images and to investigate the scoring criteria and dose assessment of the dicentric assay within the European network of biodosimetry (RENEB), a web based scoring inter-comparison was undertaken by 17 RENEB partners.

Materials and methods: Two sets of 50 high resolution images were uploaded onto the RENEB website. One set included metaphases after a moderate exposure (1.3 Gy) and the other set consisted of metaphases after a high dose exposure (3.5 Gy). The laboratories used their own calibration curves for estimating doses based on observed aberration frequencies.

Results: The dose estimations and 95% confidence limits were compared to the actual doses and the corresponding z-values were satisfactory for the majority; only the dose estimations from two laboratories were too low or too high. The coefficients of variation were 17.6% for the moderate and 11.2% for the high dose. Metaphases with controversial results could be identified for training purposes.

Conclusions: Overall, the web based scoring of the two galleries by the 17 laboratories produced very good results. Application of web based scoring for the dicentric assay may therefore be a relevant strategy for an operational biodosimetry assistance network.
