epi-2021-0077 Supplementary Tables 1–8 & Supplementary Figures 1–4
Supplementary table 1: Extended clinocopathological information of donors. Supplementary table 2: Primers sequences for qPCR analyses. Supplementary table 3: Geomean of raw CT values of reference genes beta-actin (βactin), Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Flavoprotein Subunit A (SDHA) for each donor and each tissue included in the gene-expression analysis. Supplementary table 4: Associations between potential confounding variables sex, age, PMD, pH, Braak-score for gene-expression data. Supplementary figure 1: QQ plot of the p-values from discovery EWAS. Supplementary table 5: Results of the linear mixed-effects model of DNA methylation and the interaction term. Supplementary table 6: Mean methylation values. Methylation values per DMR of SCZ and CTR samples, separated for grey and white matter.
Supplementary table 8: Overlap with CPGs or
DMRs in previous genome-wide DNA methylation studies of SCZ. |