Taylor & Francis Group

nnm-2021-0076 - Supplementary Figures and Tables

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posted on 2021-09-22, 08:52 authored by Stacy Grieve, Nagaprasad Puvvada, Angkoon Phinyomark, Kevin Russell, Alli Murugesan, Elizabeth Zed, Ansar Hassan, Jean-Francois Legare, Petra C. Kienesberger, Thomas Pulinilkunnil, Tony Reiman, Erik Scheme, Keith R. Brunt

Supplementary Table S1: Disease Severity Scale

Supplementary Table S2: Positions of top n features

Supplementary Figure S1: Timeline of disease course for patients with haematological malignancies. Changes in disease severity over time where first sample was collected between 0-3 months, 3-24months, and over 2 years from time of diagnosis. Red line highlights deceased patients with X marking time of death.

Supplementary Figure S2: Homogeneity in nanoSERS preparation. Paired analysis at 10 random peaks (A-J) from two random spots on nanoSERS prepared slides. Image on right shows mean ± standard deviation. Image on left represents matched samples. p-value from a paired t-test is shown.

Supplementary Figure S3

Supplementary Figure S4


Funding The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada (TR, KB), New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (TR, KB, ES), Dalhousie Medicine Research Fund (KR, KB), National Science and Engineering Research Council (ES, KB), Canadian Cancer Society Research Chair (TR), Canadian-Institute of Health Research/New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Mentorship Chair (TR), and Terry Fox Research Institute (TR). NP was supported through a Canadian Institute for Health Research-Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research and New Brunswick Health Research Foundation fellowship and an INSPIRE Faculty research grant from DST India. SG was supported through a fellowship from Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute, New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, and Lung Cancer Canada. KB holds an equity position in NB-BioMatrix Inc. a private sector company with financial interests derived from brokering knowledge and intellectual property including nanotechnology.


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