Taylor & Francis Group

Supplementary figure S2. A simple dialysis device for large DNA molecules

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Version 2 2019-03-21, 15:27
Version 1 2019-03-21, 14:27
posted on 2019-03-21, 15:27 authored by Samuel JW Krerowicz, Juan P Hernandez-Ortiz, David C Schwartz

Supplementary Figure S2. Average percent retention of different sizes of DNA after 10-40 hours of dialysis with 0.4 um pores. Colors represent how much DNA has been retained with darker colors representing a lower percent retention. The absolute amount retained for each size at each time point can be found in Supplementary Table S1 in the accompanying excel file.


Work was supported by grants from the National Human Genome Research Institute: NIH R01-HG-367 000225 (DCS) and T32 HG002760 (SJWK).
