Taylor & Francis Group

Supplementary Figure – Leukocyte methylomic imprints of exposure to the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: a pilot epigenome-wide analysis

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posted on 2021-12-08, 09:58 authored by Taylor & FrancisTaylor & Francis, Clarisse Musanabaganwa, Agaz Wani, Janelle Donglasan, Segun Fatumo, Stefan Jansen, Jean Mutabaruka, Eugene Rutembesa, Annette Uwineza, Erno J. Hermans, Benno Roozendaal, Derek E. Wildman, Leon Mutesa, Monica Uddin

Figure S1. The overall workflow of the analytical approach


This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant number: U01MH115485).
