Taylor & Francis Group
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The Distribution of Ni and V in Resin and Asphaltene Subfractions and Its Variation During Thermal Processes

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Version 2 2014-12-31, 17:35
Version 1 2014-12-31, 17:35
posted on 2014-12-31, 17:35 authored by H. Liu, Z. Wang, A. Guo, C. Lin, K. Chen

Ni and V deactivate catalysts and promote coking during heavy oil upgrading. Distribution of metals and metalloporphyrins, and its variation in thermal process, would benefit the more efficient upgrading. Majority of metals concentrate in resins and asphaltenes. To thoroughly study the metals distribution in these fractions, both were subdivided. It is indicated that the interactions between metalloporphyrins and asphaltenes play a significant role in metals distribution. Variation of metals distribution showed that the trend metals concentrated into heavier subfractions and was enhanced by thermal treatment and inhibited by hydrogen sources. Synergism was observed between hydrogen and hydrogen donor for the inhibition.
