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A conceptual framework for a long-term economic model for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-12-26, 11:14 authored by Balázs Nagy, Juliana Setyawan, David Coghill, Tamás Soroncz-Szabó, Zoltán Kaló, Jalpa A. Doshi

Background: Models incorporating long-term outcomes (LTOs) are not available to assess the health economic impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Objective: Develop a conceptual modelling framework capable of assessing long-term economic impact of ADHD therapies.

Methods: Literature was reviewed; a conceptual structure for the long-term model was outlined with attention to disease characteristics and potential impact of treatment strategies.

Results: The proposed model has four layers: i) multi-state short-term framework to differentiate between ADHD treatments; ii) multiple states being merged into three core health states associated with LTOs; iii) series of sub-models in which particular LTOs are depicted; iv) outcomes collected to be either used directly for economic analyses or translated into other relevant measures.

Conclusions: This conceptual model provides a framework to assess relationships between short- and long-term outcomes of the disease and its treatment, and to estimate the economic impact of ADHD treatments throughout the course of the disease.


This research was funded by Shire Development, LLC. Although employees of Shire were involved in the design, collection, analysis, interpretation, and fact checking of information, the content of this manuscript, the interpretation of the data, and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication was made by the authors independently. Publication of study results was not contingent on Shire’s approval or censorship.
