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Back stress in strain hardening of carbon nanotube/aluminum composites

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-11-28, 04:41 authored by Run Xu, Genlian Fan, Zhanqiu Tan, Gang Ji, Cai Chen, Benoît Beausir, Ding-Bang Xiong, Qiang Guo, Cuiping Guo, Zhiqiang Li, Di Zhang

As demonstrated by the loading–unloading tests and the modeling of the grain size effect and the composite effect, mainly owing to the back stress induced by CNTs, carbon nanotube/aluminum (CNT/Al) composites exhibit higher strain hardening capability than the unreinforced ultrafine-grained Al matrix. The back stress induced by CNTs should arise from the interfacial image force and the long-range interaction between statically stored dislocations and geometrically necessary dislocations around the CNT/Al interface. Therefore, this CNT-induced interfacial back stress strengthening mechanism is supposed to provide a novel route to enhancing the strain hardening capability and ductility in CNT/Al composites.


The present work investigates the roles and origins of back stress in the strain hardening of the carbon nanotubes/aluminum composites for the first time.


This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China [Nos. 51671130, 51371115], the Ministry of Science & Technology of China [Nos. 2016YFB1200506, 2016YFE0130200, 2017YFB1201105], the Ministry of Education of China [Nos. 62501036031, B16032], Shanghai Science & Technology Committee [Nos. 15JC1402100, 17ZR1441500, 14DZ2261200, 14520710100] and the Aeronautical Science Foundation of China [No. 2016ZF57011]. This work was also partially supported by the PHC French-Chinese collaboration project “XU Guangqi” [No. 38704RB]. The TEM facility in Lille, France, is supported by the Conseil Regional du Nord-Pas de Calais and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


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