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Investigating Moderation Effects at the Within-Person Level Using Intensive Longitudinal Data: A Two-Level Dynamic Structural Equation Modelling Approach in Mplus

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-15, 07:20 authored by Lydia Gabriela Speyer, Aja Louise Murray, Rogier Kievit

Recent technological advances have provided new opportunities for the collection of intensive longitudinal data. Using methods such as dynamic structural equation modeling, these data can provide new insights into moment-to-moment dynamics of psychological and behavioral processes. In intensive longitudinal data (t > 20), researchers often have theories that imply that factors that change from moment to moment within individuals act as moderators. For instance, a person’s level of sleep deprivation may affect how much an external stressor affects mood. Here, we describe how researchers can implement, test, and interpret dynamically changing within-person moderation effects using two-level dynamic structural equation modeling as implemented in the structural equation modeling software Mplus. We illustrate the analysis of within-person moderation effects using an empirical example investigating whether changes in spending time online using social media affect the moment-to-moment effect of loneliness on depressive symptoms, and highlight avenues for future methodological development. We provide annotated Mplus code, enabling researchers to better isolate, estimate, and interpret the complexities of within-person interaction effects.


This work was not supported. Rogier Kievit is funded by a Hypatia fellowship (RadboudUMC). Lydia Speyer and Aja Murray have no funding to declare for this study.
