Taylor & Francis Group
sfor_a_1988140_sm2026.docx (49.3 kB)

Specified resilience value of alternative forest management adaptations to storms

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-26, 18:20 authored by Thomas Hahn, Jeannette Eggers, Narayanan Subramanian, Astor Toraño Caicoya, Enno Uhl, Tord Snäll

Resilient ecosystems provide natural insurance value, or resilience value, to the landowner and to society at large. In response to global calls for integrating biodiversity in sector policy and planning, we analysed the specified resilience value by simulating three storm regimes and five management scenarios: Business As Usual/BAU (spruce-dominance), Spruce Monoculture, More Broadleaves, Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF), and No Thinnings. The forest decision support system Heureka RegWise was used to simulate the effects of storms on forest dynamics and Net Present Value (NPV). No Thinnings, CCF and More Broadleaves were more resilient to storms (reduced damage cost) compared to BAU. BAU had the highest NPV only if storms are ignored, a common assumption in today’s forest planning. Given storms, No Thinnings maximises NPV on landscape level. On the 20% most vulnerable plots the NPV was much higher for No Thinnings and slightly higher for CCF and More Broadleaves, compared to BAU. CCF and More Broadleaves also provide nature-based solutions (co-benefits) including public goods. However, forestry adaptations to storms are slow in Sweden, in contrast to e.g. German state forestry which emphasises maximising tree growth and resilience to several stresses and disturbances rather than NPV optimisation.


This research was supported by the 2015–2016 BiodivERsA COFUND Call (project GreenFutureForest) with the national funders Formas [2016-01949]; Formas [2019-01078]; joint grant from Mistra [DIA 2019/28] and Formas via the national research programme on climate [2021-00416]; and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF [BMBFLC1610B].


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