Taylor & Francis Group
kpsb_a_1327495_sm5114.pptx (369.06 kB)

Effects of light quality on pod elongation in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)

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Version 2 2017-06-30, 16:32
Version 1 2017-05-23, 02:54
posted on 2017-06-30, 16:32 authored by Seiya Tanaka, Nobuyuki Ario, Andressa Camila Seiko Nakagawa, Yuki Tomita, Naoki Murayama, Takatoshi Taniguchi, Norimitsu Hamaoka, Mari Iwaya-Inoue, Yushi Ishibashi

Soybean pods are located at the nodes, where they are in the shadow, whereas cowpea pods are located outside of the leaves and are exposed to sunlight. To compare the effects of light quality on pod growth in soybean and cowpea, we measured the length of pods treated with white, blue, red or far-red light. In both species, pods elongated faster during the dark period than during the light period in all light treatments except red light treatment in cowpea. Red light significantly suppressed pod elongation in soybean during the dark and light periods. On the other hand, the elongation of cowpea pods treated with red light markedly promoted during the light period. These results suggested that the difference in the pod set sites between soybean and cowpea might account for the difference in their red light responses for pod growth.
