Taylor & Francis Group
3 files

Fitting Log-Gaussian Cox Processes Using Generalized Additive Model Software

Version 2 2024-03-14, 16:40
Version 1 2024-02-08, 16:00
posted on 2024-03-14, 16:40 authored by Elliot Dovers, Jakub Stoklosa, David I. Warton

While log-Gaussian Cox process regression models are useful tools for modeling point patterns, they can be technically difficult to fit and require users to learn/adopt bespoke software. We show that, for suitably formatted data, we can actually fit these models using generalized additive model software, via a simple line of code, demonstrated on R by the popular mgcv package. We are able to do this because a common and computationally efficient way to fit a log-Gaussian Cox process model is to use a basis function expansion to approximate the Gaussian random field, as is provided by a generic bivariate smoother over geographic space. We further show that if basis functions are parameterized appropriately then we can estimate parameters in the spatial covariance function for the latent random field using a generalized additive model. We use simulation to show that this approach leads to model fits of comparable quality to state-of-the-art software, often more quickly. But we see the main advance from this work as lowering the technology barrier to spatial statistics for applied researchers, many of whom are already familiar with generalized additive model software.


This work was supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project scheme (DP180103543 and DP210101923).
