Taylor & Francis Group
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Tectonics of the Iberian continental margins and abyssal plains

posted on 2023-07-31, 19:40 authored by María Druet, Fernando Bohoyo, Adolfo Maestro, Sandra Mink, Jesús García-Senz, Antonio Pedrera, Roberto Rodríguez Fernández

The tectonic map at scale 1:1,750,000 presented in this work shows an update of the existing knowledge of the main tectonic and volcanic structures along the Iberian continental margins and abyssal plains. The morphotectonic trends around Iberia recorded superposed geodynamic processes linked to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean since the Mesozoic and the evolution of the Mediterranean Sea during the Cenozoic, as well as the reactivation of Hercynian faults and the formation of new tectonic structures during the Alpine orogeny. This map is based on the interpretation of the digital bathymetric model and other geophysical data from our own studies, and those from other authors. The morphotectonic features in this map provides a basis for the recognition of the tectonic control at lithospheric plate scale and the establishment of potential tectonic and volcanic risk zones.

A tectonic map at a scale 1:1,750,000 of the continental margins and abyssal plains of Iberia is presented.

This new and complete tectonic map can be the base for further detailed geological and geophysical studies.

The compiled tectonic structures shown in the Main Map are available as supplemental online material.

A tectonic map at a scale 1:1,750,000 of the continental margins and abyssal plains of Iberia is presented.

This new and complete tectonic map can be the base for further detailed geological and geophysical studies.

The compiled tectonic structures shown in the Main Map are available as supplemental online material.


This work was supported by the C.N. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España-CSIC via SEGYBAS and 3D Vasco Cantábrica own projects, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation projects SEASTORAGE (TED2021-129816B-I00) and ALGEMAR (PID2021-123825OB-I00).
